The Writer's Studio
To convey the sound of the soul ~Marguerite Duras
Founded by Elaine Fletcher Chapman in 2003. The Writer’s Studio welcomes new, as well as experienced writers of poetry and prose. The Writer’s Studio is dedicated to providing inspirational writing experiences. Elaine believes that reading and writing are connected. She always utilizes texts in her teaching.
A writer is not so much someone who has something
to say as he is someone who has found a process
that will bring about new things he would not have
thought of if he had not started to say them.
William Stafford
One-on-One Tutorial: As writers, we need support, encouragement, and constructive criticism. Discuss your work, your creative process, and influences on your writing.
Manuscript Readings and Editing: A writer may have specific questions or want a general impression of a manuscript. Will also provide a close reading with line edits.
Creative Writing Workshops in Poetry and Prose: The workshops utilize a seminar format. The class has a suggested reading list of particular literary texts.
Yoga Nidra & Sacred Writing: Yoga Nidra brings us home to our true selves. When we write from this place of discovery our heart's desires are revealed.
On Keeping A Journal Workshop: Keeping a journal is a revolutionary act.
The Writer’s Studio Reading Series