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iRest®-Yoga Nidra

Two weeks ago I completed Level 1 iRest-Yoga Nidra teacher training with Richard Miller and a talented staff. The training was amazing and managed to formalize so much of my practicing for the last many years: unconditional positive regard, yoga, journaling, meditation, even poetry. A practice grounded in a theoretical framework. Not therapy but definitely therapeutic. The beauty of a sensory experience related to thoughts, feelings, emotions, core beliefs. Witnessing. Working with opposites. Yesterday In the Yoga and Journaling Workshop I co-taught with Sara Smith ( yoga teacher) I led my first iRest for 15 minutes. As participates woke and went straight to their journals, I watched as the wrote with such intent, many for pages. I experienced a deep sense of joy which was my intention for the practice. It was obvious these first time i-Rest- Yoga Nidra practitioners had received messages from within. They couldn’t write them down fast enough. My plan through the summer is to offer iRest -Yoga Nidra classes monthly and then in the fall begin an ongoing course which will run for several weeks. I remain excited and joyful.

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