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A New Intention/Yoga Nidra

Setting a new intention for this blog: Today I invited, Alex McFerron (@alexmcferronpy) to join me as a writer on this blog. She not only holds a Master’s Degree in Network Engineering, working for years in technology, but also has devoted many years to studying and practicing mediation and yoga.  I clearly view her as a yogi. We have attended many meditation and yoga classes and workshops individually and together.  We also established joint and parallel practices.  In November she begins formal training at The Integrative Restoration Institute in Yoga Nidra.  I became a Certified iRest Yoga Nidra Teacher several years ago. Along with practicing, I have been offering classes in Yoga Nidra for over 8 years in different settings. Alex and I continuously share our practices with each other. Now, it is our intention to share our experiences regarding Yoga Nidra and related topics with others as well. Our heart felt desire is to create an expansive way to collaborate and share the mystery and wonder of Yoga Nidra with others.

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